Tuesday, September 29, 2015

George Morris Gives Another Lesson to Ilse Schwarz — Part 3 of 3

Over the past couple of months, The Horse Magazine presented articles by US-based Australian dressage rider Ilse Schwarz working with American jumping coach George Morris. Both live in Wellington, Florida. George has helped Ilse prepare Sauvignon for Grand Prix. In this article George helps Ilse with a much different horse.

If you saw this horse going around the hunter ring, you too would likely pause and wonder if he were in the wrong arena. © 2015 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

If you saw this horse going around the hunter ring, you too would likely pause and wonder if he were in the wrong arena. © 2015 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com


I am lucky enough for George to find time in his schedule to give me a third lesson, this time on a six-year-old gelding who recently made the transition from the hunter/jumper world to dressage.

Monticello (Monti) is by the Oldenburg stallion Rosenthal, out of a German thoroughbred mare that has produced some very good jumpers. He is absolutely stunning and was bought as a two-year-old by his current owners. He was unbeaten in his lead classes at top breed shows and jumps in quite a competent manner for the hunter world, however, he really had no enthusiasm for it.

He is lucky to have owners who recognized this and they approached me about taking him as a sales horse. I get asked to assess quite a few hunters as dressage sales prospects, and in general very few present as future FEI candidates. Monti is an absolute exception. Had I seen him going around the hunter ring, I likely would have sought out the owner and enquired about him.

The majority of our initial work was about developing acceptance of the bit and an understanding of the leg. In the hunter world, the use of the leg and the rein is completely different to the dressage world. They are never required to learn how to carry on their hind legs and become loose through the shoulders. The balance required for success in their world is, quite simply,  different to that desired in the world of dressage! Nevertheless, Monti is a quick student and within months developed a good enough understanding of collection to be consistently scoring in the 70s at 2nd level.

Unfortunately, during his time as a hunter he learned how to do a perfect late-behind change. As his understanding of the reaction to the leg and rein aids has improved, I have been getting some clean changes on him. However, the session with George presented the ideal opportunity to take a lesson on something still learning the changes. He is also a completely different ride to Savi. Whereas she is hot to the leg, Monti certainly isn’t. He is the type that would prefer to push into the leg rather than yield away from it, clearly a problem for the changes. I am eager to see where the lesson takes us.

George lets me warm up the horse the way I normally do. The owners of Monti, very successful hunter/jumper competitors, have come to watch the lesson, absolutely delighted to watch George work with their horse in a dressage arena!

I move through the warm up trot work with lateral work including shoulder-in, leg-yielding and travers and then some canter, George explaining to the owners what each exercise is and why I am doing it. After some simple exercises we move to counter canter and I am instructed, on the short side, to make a big volte, still in counter canter, and then turn onto the diagonal and almost immediately as I straighten on the diagonal ask for a flying change. I am then to finish the diagonal, approach the next short side in counter canter, make a volte and then as straightening on the diagonal another change and so on.

“This exercise really gets the change from the leg. Just think inside leg and then after the change half halt.”

So I come into each short side in balance. Monti is not immediately responsive to changes that truly only rely on the leg so the canter gets a little big and wild, the change isn’t coming where I ask and it honestly gets pretty messy. The changes are clean though so, if nothing else, it has made it pretty clear how much Monti wants to push into the leg.

Counter canter volte on the short side. Pity my mirrors weren’t cleaned. They are normally spotless! © 2015 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

Counter canter volte on the short side. Pity my mirrors weren’t cleaned. They are normally spotless! © 2015 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

We change the plan a little. I am now crossing the diagonal in true canter, aiming for a change over X, with George having very specific instructions for my legs.

Off the right lead, I am instructed to keep my left leg, the outside leg, on his ribcage but not back and then to ask for the change with simultaneous half halting on the right rein as the right leg goes back. Pretty standard aids for the change. Monti falls through my left leg and predictably, the change is late behind.

We try again.

“This time as you start the diagonal make him really straight. After making the horse straight, put the new inside leg (the left leg) forward. As you ask for the change with right rein and right leg moving back simultaneously, reinforce the aid of the left leg at the girth. If you keep the new inside leg too far back before the change, it is a chance for them to fall through that leg.”

As I coordinate the aids precisely, the changes come on the aids and clean.

“Don’t rush the change, first make the horse straight. As you approach the diagonal from the short side in right canter, the left leg is behind the girth because you have to make the horse straight but about one to two horse lengths onto the diagonal, the left leg moves forwards to the girth, the right rein engages and take the right leg behind.”

We then move to some exercises to make him more reactive and responsive to the leg aids. These are done in walk. We start with turn around the haunches, then turn around the forehand and finally. moving up and down the centerline, turns around the center. Yes, first time I have done this, also.

“Position the horse a little right and a half turn on the forehand with the left leg then walk forwards. Position the horse to the left and a turn on the forehand from the right leg.” Since Monti falls through my left leg, it is an opportunity to make him aware of that leg in its role as an inside leg. These turns on the forehand are different to what we traditionally learn. Here, we are turning INTO the direction of bend rather than away from it. More difficult but it really brings a focus to the reaction from the inside leg.

“Now position the horse to the right and a half turn on the haunches right, straighten, continue down the centerline. Position the horse left and turn on the haunches left. If the horse is sticky in the turning, use the outside spur. Make the exercise clearly about the reaction to the leg.”

“Now, a turn around the center. Position the horse to the right, turn the shoulder to the left and the haunch to the right so the axis of the turn is under your seat. walk forwards and a half turn to the left. Position the horse left, bring his shoulders to the right and the haunch to the left.”

“These exercises get the horses, especially horses like this one who are a little dull to the leg, very light to the legs. Every problem in riding comes down to horses not being enough on the legs. The turn on the center is the most powerful of the three turns because you are closing the shoulder to the haunch. You mobilize the shoulder and stir the haunch.”

It is time for a quick reminder for the rider, me, to quiet the hands again.

“Simply close the hand, you give the hand, you get too busy with the hand as is the fashion today.”

I promise you, I am working on being very quiet with my hands. He then has another word with me about my right foot slipping and sliding in the stirrup iron, I stare at it for a moment, internally direct bad words at it and put it back in place.

“My pet peeve in my life is the stirrup iron. When it is not correct it is aesthetically not pleasing. I hate that. You can tell every student I have had because the stirrup iron is correctly placed.”

Counter canter, clearly showing placement of the outside leg on the short side. When I turn onto the diagonal, THIS is the leg that George wants brought close to the girth, before asking for a change. Note the foot and  stirrup iron correctly placed, yes, it is my left foot. © 2015 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

Counter canter, clearly showing placement of the outside leg on the short side. When I turn onto the diagonal, THIS is the leg that George wants brought close to the girth, before asking for a change. Note the foot and stirrup iron correctly placed, yes, it is my left foot. © 2015 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

Yes. we really did finish the lessons on a discussion of foot placement in the stirrup. So, when I next see Mr Morris, likely toward the end of 2015, I plan to show him perfect feet in perfectly placed stirrups on whichever  horse I am able to have a lesson with.

Oh, yes, and Savi with her 15 perfect flying changes as to head to Big Tour, she says, fingers firmly crossed.

(Editor’s note: After tis article went to press, Ilse competed Monti at a national show at 3rd level which requires flying changes and score almost 74 per cent Monti has since been sold.)

Monica Fitzgerald Appointed Global Dressage Festival Manager

WELLINGTON, Florida, Sept. 28, 2015–Monica Fitzgerald, secretary of dressage shows including championship events across the United States since 2001, has been appointed manager of the Global Dressage Festival of three months of international and national events in Wellington, Florida.

Monica, 51, of Maggie Valley, North Carolina has been show secretary for the Global circuit for the past three years and succeeds Lloyd Landkamer as manager. Lloyd, highly respected and widely admired, died last week at the age of 60 after a long battle with cancer.

The first CDI of the Global’s annual calendar international events will be dedicated to Lloyd in perpetuity.

The appointment of Monica as manager of the Global competitions was confirmed Monday by Michael Stone, president of the organizing group of Global competitions and the companion Winter Equestrian Festival at the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center.

The first Florida competition Monica will manage is the Dutta Corp. Festival of Champions of the United States Grand Prix and Intermediate championships scheduled for the Global show grounds in December.

In addition to the Global shows, her experience over a decade and a half includes the Festival of Champions, U.S. Young Horse Championships, U.S. Dressage Finals, Dressage at Devon, Palm Beach Dressage Derby, Wellington Classic Dressage, World Dressage Masters CDI5*, Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Championships as well as numerous shows across the nation.

“I’m excited and scared all at the same time,” Monica told dressage-news.com. “But Lloyd will be nudging me from up there.”

Request for Donations Instead of Flowers for Lloyd Landkamer Go to American Cancer Society

Lloyd Landkamer, show manager of the Global Dressage Festival who was dressage manager at the 2010 World Equestrian Games in Kentucky,. ©  Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

Lloyd Landkamer, show manager of the Global Dressage Festival who was dressage manager at the 2010 World Equestrian Games in Kentucky surrounded by friends and colleagues at an awards ceremony in Wellington, Florida,. ©  Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

HAMEL, Minnesota, Sept. 27, 2015–Funeral arrangements are not yet available for Lloyd Landkamer who died Friday and life partner Bill Solynties has requested that in lieu of flowers, donations in Lloyd’s memory be made to the American Cancer Society.

Contact information for the society is 1-800-227-2345, P. Box 22718 Oklahoma City, OK 73123-1718 and earmarked for colon cancer research.

Lloyd and Bill Solynties, partners for 32 years, married when it became legal in Minnesota. Lloyd is also survived by two younger brothers and a sister who still live in Kansas.

A biography provided by Bill:

Lloyd was born in Lawrence, Kansas the son of Dale J. and Lorna Nolte Landkamer, both now deceased. He lived with his family for several years in Morocco, while his father was in the U.S. Air Force, before returning to Kansas. He left home as a teenager and lived for a time with his grandmother. Lloyd received college degrees in Animal Husbandry, Computer Science and Economics and worked for a time for Sperry in Minneapolis in the computer science field, receiving frequent promotions, before he realized his true calling was with horses.

Lloyd and William (Bill) Solynties met 32 years ago, when Lloyd was 28 years of age, in Mankato, Minnesota where they established their company, Solland, Inc. Lloyd’s interest in horses started in Mankato, where he purchased his first horse. He showed in dressage and soon after began breeding horses. Solland Farms moved to Delano and for many years has operated as Brandywine Farm in Hamel.

Early in their partnership, Lloyd and Bill had the opportunity to purchase two stallions, Renaissance and Fascination from Bernie Traurig. They learned to collect the stallions and handle all the breeding themselves. Later they purchased two other stallions, Tip Top and Donnerwerth. According to Bill, they have bred horses, primarily Oldenburgs, every year, except one, since that first year. Lloyd selected top mares and produced very successful dressage horses. In recent years, he had a great eye for world-class stallions, and raising young horses remained one of his favorite interests.

Lloyd showed in dressage for several years, earning national awards and his U.S. Dressage Federation bronze Medal before he became primarily interested in show management. He purchased failing shows and worked hard to make them succeed. He started managing dressage competitions at Lamplight Equestrian Center in Wayne, Illinois more than 20 years ago, often driving all night to and from the show to minimize expenses. He was meticulous from the beginning about following USEF rules and serving the needs of his competitors.

Through the years, his role in the sport expanded. He served as a manager, secretary, technical delegate, FEI steward, mentor and educator to many in the sport. While he is best known as manager of the dressage and para-equestrian competitions at the World Equestrian Games in 2010, NAJYRC, USEF Festival of Champions, USEF Young Horse Championships, and dressage competitions in Wellington, Florida–most recently the Global Dressage Festival, Lloyd has provided management and secretarial services to scores of other competitions through the years. With a particular interest in youth programs, he underwrote the cost of regional youth competitions and provided anonymous donations to youth programs for years.

In addition, Lloyd was the consummate volunteer. He served on the USDF Executive Board, USEF Dressage Committees, USEF Para Technical Committee and numerous other USEF and USDF committees. He was named USDF Volunteer of the Year in 2002. As a USEF and FEI official, he has served as a USEF Steward, USEF Technical Delegate and FEI Chief Dressage Steward. He was most recently named to the stewarding team for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

According to Bill, Lloyd was a total workaholic. “He got up around 3 am every day and worked into the night, doing the work of two or three people.” Those who knew him would agree. Kristi Wysocki, a long-time friend and colleague visited him this past week and he told her “I always tried to do my best.” Kristi added, “Lloyd took me under his wing many years ago early in my judging career. He was there for me in good times, bad times and tragic times. My friend, my teacher, my mentor, my brother and now my guardian angel–I will miss him beyond words!”

In addition to horses and shows, Lloyd was an avid reader. He was an accomplished cook and gardener, often sharing favorite recipes and flower bulbs with his friends. He also loved dogs, not just his own but every dog at his shows. He kept his show office well-supplied with dog treats and the dogs and their owners loved him.

Lloyd considered his friends and colleagues in dressage as his “family.” He valued loyalty and dependability and would support his friends financially and emotionally when they were in need. He provided for education, show supplies, and sometimes living expenses if a friend was in need. He created awards and funding, often anonymously, to honor his friends and those in need. He was a leader in the sport and an inspiration to us all.

Longtime colleague and friend Lisa Gorretta reminisced, “Lloyd was always concerned about improving the quality of dressage in the U.S. He made it a personal mission to provide opportunities to up and coming dressage judges, TDs and Stewards across the country and at every level.” Elisabeth Williams, FEI Dressage Steward General for the U.S. and Lloyd’s very good friend said, “The dressage world has lost the most giving, genuinely caring and real human being. He considered us all his family. He was the most unassuming man, never really thought he was doing anything special. I will miss him terribly, his wisdom, his wonderful quirky sense of humor, even his quick temper! Very few people give so much of themselves every day of the year. Rest in peace, best friend.”

Germany’s Stephan Koeberle & Darjeeling Win Saumur CDI3* Grand Prix Special

Susan Dutta competing Currency DC. File photo . © Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

Susan Dutta competing Currency DC. File photo . © Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

SAUMUR, France, Sept. 27, 2015–Stephan Koeberle on Darjeeling won the CDI3* Grand Prix Special Sunday, the third victory for the German combination this year.

Stephan and the 14-year-old Oldenburg gelding (De Niro x Kennedy) scored 70.784 per cent for the win.

Anna Louise Ross of Great Britain on Die Callas was second on 70.529 per cent and Susan Dutta of the United States on Currency DC third on 69.254 per cent

Third place for Susan Dutta of Wellington, Florida on Currency was the highest score and placing during their European circuit this year. The duo, based with trainer Christoph Koschel at Hagen, Germany, rode on the U.S. team at the Nations Cup in Falsterbo, Sweden as well as at other major competitions.


Saumur Grand-Prix-Special-result

Mary Hanna & Umbro 1st, Katharine Farrell & Luxor 2nd in Boneo World Cup Freestyle

Katharine Farrell and Luxor. © The Horse Magazine

Katharine Farrell and Luxor. © The Horse Magazine

BONEO, Australia, Sept. 27, 2015–Mary Hanna and Umbro won their second World Cup Grand Prix Freestyle of the 2015/16 season while the 20-year-old Katharine Farrell on Luxor produced a personal best score for runner-up Sunday.

Mary Hanna, 60 years old with four Olympics and three World Games to her credit, rode the 14-year-old KWPN gelding to a score of 72.300 per cent in the third of four World Cup events to qualify for the Asia/Pacific League Final. Mary and Umbro won the first World Cup event of this year.

The pair won the league final last year but opted not become the region’s sole representative at the individual world championship in Las Vegas in April. This season’s final will be in Gothenburg, Sweden next March.

Katharine and the 13-year-old Hanoverian gelding owned by her family, scored 71.175 per cent for second while the Astralian-based New Zealander John Thompson on Bates Antonello was third on 70.825 per cent.

Katharine and Luxor placed second in the Grand Prix Saturday behind Brett Parbery on DP Weltmieser that placed fifth in the Freestyle. She began competing international Grand Prix in mid-2014 after compiling a CDI Young Rider record of eight victories in eight starts in 2013.

The fourth Asia/Pacific League World Cup event will be staged in Sydney next month with the league final scheduled for December. The Pacific area is the only one of the four global leagues that holds a final–the Central and Western European Leagues are determined by points while North America uses an average of the two best World Cup scores.


Grand Prix Freestyle

Judges: E- Betty Brown (NZ) | H- Sue Hobson (NZ) | C- Thomas Lang (AUT) | M- Jane Ventura (AUS) | B- Susie Hoevenaars (AUS)

Horse Name Rider Name E % H % C % M % B % Total % Place
Umbro Mary Hanna 69.875% 72.500% 73.625% 72.375% 73.125% 72.300% 1.
Luxor 118 Katharine Farrell 71.250% 70.500% 71.500% 70.875% 71.750% 71.175% 2.
Bates Antonello John Thompson 74.750% 71.875% 70.625% 69.375% 67.500% 70.825% 3.
Urestan Pauline Carnovale 71.875% 68.125% 70.125% 69.125% 70.125% 69.875% 4.
Dp Weltmieser Brett Parbery 70.375% 69.250% 72.125% 69.875% 67.750% 69.875% 5.
Robali Razzamatazz Robbie Soster 68.750% 65.250% 69.000% 66.750% 69.000% 67.750% 6.
Adlanta Rose Sara Mcdonald 69.625% 68.125% 66.000% 64.625% 66.500% 66.975% 7.
Django Of Cacharel Jeremy Janjic 67.500% 68.625% 67.625% 65.250% 64.875% 66.775% 8.
Aea Metallic Dirk Dijkstra 67.000% 64.875% 66.000% 66.875% 64.000% 65.750%
Utopian Cardinal Heath Ryan 68.375% 66.250% 65.375% 62.125% 65.250% 65.475%
Tacita Fiona Selby 62.625% 63.500% 67.000% 64.875% 64.000% 64.400%
Jarrah R Rozzie Ryan 65.500% 61.250% 62.875% 63.250% 64.625% 63.500%
Remmington Sue Hearn 62.875% 65.875% 61.500% 62.500% 62.250% 63.000%

Isabell Werth On El Santo Repeats as Central Park Horse Show Freestyle Victor

Isabell Werth on El Santo NRW in the Central Park Horse Show rand Prix Freestyle.

Isabell Werth on El Santo NRW in the Central Park Horse Show rand Prix Freestyle.

NEW YORK, Sept. 28, 2015–Isabell Werth on El Santo NRW repeated as victors at the $75,000 Central Park Horse Show Grand Prix Freestyle under lights Saturday night that featured a demonstration musical ride by world No 1 Charlotte Dujardin.

In the competition in the Wollman Rnk, that in winter is an ice skating landmark known around the world from movies such as “Love Story,” Isabell and the 14-year-old Rhinelander gelding was awarded 80.333 per cent by the three-member ground jury.

As a five-time Olympic gold medalist stretching over a quarter century who continues to develop some of the top horses in the world, Isabell was a popular winner.

“I am really, really happy that we could do it twice and come back here at this beautiful arena under this outstanding skyline,” Isabell said. “Always when I start with the music and the pressure, I feel the spectators are awake and coming with me. I was really happy with ‘Ernie’—it was a completely good test.”

Tinne Vilhelmson-Silfvén, a six-time Olympian for Sweden and competitor at the winter-long Global Dressage Festival in Wellington, Florida that is organized by the same group that staged this event, was second on Paridon Magi with a score of 76.587 per cent.

Catherine Haddad=Staller based in Stockton in neighboring New Jersey was the top placing American and third overall on Mane Stream Hotmail with a score of 74.250 per cent.

Charlotte Dujardin, who opted not to bring her top ranked mount Valegro to New York to insure the KWPN gelding is fit for the 2016 Olympics and what she hopes will be a repeat of their gold medalperformance in London three years ago, gave a demonstration Freestyle ride.

The 30-year-old Briton was riding Renaissance Tyme for only the second time. The 12-year-old gray Oldenburg gelding is owned. trained and competed by Evi Strasser, an Olympic and World Games rider for Canada.

Carl Hester & Wanadoo Win Saumur CDI3* Grand Prix Freestyle

Carl Hester on Wanadoo. Courtesy of Carl Hester

Carl Hester on Wanadoo. Courtesy of Carl Hester

SAUMUR, France, Sept. 26, 2015–Great Britain’s Carl Hester rode Wanadoor to victory in the CDI3* Grand Prix Freestyle Saturday night in only the second international event for the pair.

Carl and the 14-year-old Hanoverian gelding scored 76.750 per cent for the win, close to the 76.975 per cent for the Olympic team gold medal rider and Wanadoo in their debut Freestyle at Hartpury England two months ago. The victory now makes their CDI competition results three wins in four starts.

Anders Dahl of Denmark and Wie Atlantico placed second on 76.025 per cent, beating their previous best of 75.300 per cent posted at Doha in March and came a day after the pair won the Grand Prix here.

The result was also a career best for Wie Atlantico that began his Grand Prix career with Spanish Olympian Juan Matute in 2007, then was ridden by Anders’ wife, Fiona Bigwood on Great Britain’s silver medal team at the 2010 World Games in Kentucky and briefly by Carl Hester.

Fellow Dane Rikke Svane on Finckenstein TSF placed third on 75.000 per cent.

Saumur Grand-Prix-Freestyle-result

Lloyd Landkamer Dies After Long Battle With Cancer–1955-2015

Lloyd Landkamer (right) and Thomas Baur, managers of the Global Dressage Festival at the Palm Beach Internationa; Equestrian Ceter Stadium commlex in Wellington, Florida. © Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

Lloyd Landkamer (right) and Thomas Baur, managers of the Global Dressage Festival at the Palm Beach Internationa; Equestrian Ceter Stadium complex in Wellington, Florida. © Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

HAMEL, Minnesota, Sept. 26, 2015–Loyd Landkamer, regarded by many as the ultimate horse show manager and universally popular for a sense of humor and going the extra mile to help, has died after a long battle with cancer. He was 60 years old.

Lloyd was show manager at numerous events around the United States, including the U.S. national championships, known as the Festival of Champions, the U.S. Young Horse Championships and the U.S. Dressage Finals where he volunteered his services.

Lloyd, who was also an International Equestrian Federation (FEI) steward, took over dressage competitions at the Winter Equestrian Festival in Wellington, Florida a decade ago and then became show manager when the schedule was expanded into the Global Dressage Festival of 12 weeks of competitions, including seven international shows, the longest and probably richest dressage circuit in the world.

He also managed the dressage show office at the World Equestrian Games in Kentucky in 2010.

In recent weeks, many friends of Lloyd from across the nation visited him at his Brandywine Farm in Hamel outside Minneapolis where he lived for many years with his partner, Bill Solyntjes.

There will be a moment of silence at the Central Park Horse Show in New York City Saturday night to honor Lloyd who would have managed the dressage except for his illness.

Tributes poured in mourning the loss of someone widely described as the most efficient of show organizers and a very special person.

“The equestrian world has lost an amazing person and talent,” said Mark Bellissimo the CEO of Wellington Equestrian Partners that operates both the Global and Winter Equestrian Festivals as well as the Central Park event.

“Lloyd was instrumental in many events across the country and was a critical member of our team at the Global Dressage Festival. We will all miss his energy and enthusiasm for the sport he loved so well.”

Michael Stone, president of the Wellington shows, described Lloyd as “a very special person who had unique characteristics of being a hugely efficient show manager and a person that everyone loved.

“He was a wonderful organizer and friend. Although we have known this day was coming it is a terrible shock.”

Monica Fitzgerald who had worked closely with Lloyd and visited him at Brandywine Farm a month ago, said: He was very important to a lot of us. He will be greatly missed.”

Thomas Baur, the GDF sports manager, said: “Today I am filled with deep sadness over the passing of my friend. Lloyd was not simply a colleague he was a very special friend and the heart of Global in Wellington. He was a huge prsence in the U.S. dressage community and instrumental in developing our sport. His spirit will remain with us and his legacy will live on.”

George Williams, president of the U.S. Dressage Federation, said: “The dressage community has lost a special friend, someone who put his heart and soul into our sport.

“Well known as a show manager of a number of top competitions in this country, Lloyd is perhaps not as well known for how generous he was behind the scenes. He was an enthusiastic volunteer on numerous committees for USEF, USDF and from the beginning Para-Equestrian Dressage, as well as serving on the USDF Executive Board and as Region 4 Director.

“Lloyd was a class act. He will be missed by all of us. I think one of the things that made Lloyd so special and says so much about him is how so many of us feel we have lost a personal friend.”

Details of funeral arrangements will be posted here as soon as they are available.

Brett Parbery & Weltmieser Win Boneo World Cup Grand Prix

Brett Parbery and  DP Weltmieser. © The Horse Magazine

Brett Parbery and DP Weltmieser. © The Horse Magazine

BONEO, Australia, Sept. 26, 2015–Brett Parbery rode the Australian-bred DP Weltmieser to victory in the World Cup Grand Prix Saturday for a narrow win over the 20-year-old Katharine Farrell and Luxor.

Both Australian combinations posted personal best scores in the Grand Prix in the third of four World Cup events to qualify for the Asia/Pacific League Final in December that will decide on the single combination to be invited to the annual individual world championship in Gothenburg, Sweden next March.

Brett, the 2010 World Games rider for Australia, and the 13-year-old gelding (Weltmeyer x Dutch Courage) scored 69.940 per cent for the win, the third for the pair since beginning Grand Prix a year ago.

The 20-year-old Katharine Farrell and Luxor, a 13-year-old Hanoverian gelding owned by her family, scored 69.420 per cent. The duo began senior Grand Prix in mid-2014 after a string of eight CDI Young Rider victories in eight starts on Australia’s east coast.

Mary Hanna and Umbro placed third on 68.160 per cent. The pair that have competed extensively in Australia and Europe won last season’s league final but no Australian combination went to the World Cup Final in Las Vegas.


udges: E- Thomas Lang (AUT) | H- Jane Ventura (AUS) | C- Susie Hoevenaars (AUS) | M- Betty Brown (NZ) | B- Sue Hobson (NZ)

Horse Name Rider Name E % H % C % M % B % Total %
Dp Weltmieser Brett Parbery 70.500% 70.100% 69.600% 69.100% 70.400% 69.940%
Luxor 118 Katharine Farrell 67.900% 70.400% 68.000% 68.400% 72.400% 69.420%
Umbro Mary Hanna 66.800% 68.900% 69.300% 66.800% 69.000% 68.160%
Bates Antonello John Thompson 63.500% 65.100% 69.300% 67.700% 67.400% 66.600%
Utopian Cardinal Heath Ryan 63.500% 65.200% 66.900% 67.700% 65.900% 65.840%
Remmington Sue Hearn 63.700% 67.300% 67.600% 65.400% 64.500% 65.700%
Aea Metallic Dirk Dijkstra 66.400% 65.700% 65.900% 61.900% 64.600% 64.900%
Django Of Cacharel Jeremy Janjic 63.800% 63.900% 64.700% 66.600% 65.400% 64.880%
Adlanta Rose Sara Mcdonald 63.900% 65.300% 64.000% 60.400% 67.500% 64.220%
Hamag W Strona Mary Hanna 64.000% 64.800% 66.000% 62.200% 62.900% 63.980%
Robali Razzamatazz Robbie Soster 63.700% 63.300% 64.100% 64.000% 63.700% 63.760%
Urestan Pauline Carnovale 61.900% 64.900% 63.300% 64.000% 63.800% 63.580%
Jarrah R Rozzie Ryan 60.200% 66.100% 62.700% 66.400% 61.600% 63.400%
Tacita Fiona Selby 62.000% 63.900% 63.600% 64.900% 62.400% 63.360%

Monday, September 28, 2015

Austria’s Ulrike Prunthaller & Bartlgut’s Duccio Capture Budapest CDI3* Grand Prix Freeestyle

Katarzyna Milczarek on Dzeko. © 2015 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

Katarzyna Milczarek on Dzeko. © 2015 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

FÓT, Hungary, Sept. 27, 2015–Austria’s Ulrike Prunthaller on Bartlgut’s Duccio captured the CDI3* Grand Prix Freestyle Sunday while Poland’s European Championship team combination of Katarzyna Milczarek on Dzeko took the Grand Prix and the Special.

Ulrike and the 10-year-old Austrian-bred stallion scored 72.500 per cent for the first victory in the pair’s third CDI since beginning Grand Prix in April this year.

Hungary’s Nikolett Szalay on Willy the Hit was second on 70.025 per cent and Katarzyna Milczarek on Teo was third on 68.850 per cent.

Katarzyna on Dzeko, a nine-year-old Oldenburg stallion, won the Grand Prix on 67.860 per cent in the duo’s fourth CDI since starting their Grand Prix career in June, two months before competing in the Europeans.

Austria’s Renate Voglsang on Fratello was second 67.320 per cent and Przemyslaw Kozanowski also of Poland on Belcanto placed third on 67.100 per cent.

Katarzyna and Dzeko scored 69.882 per cent to take the Special with Renate and Fratello second on 67.176 per cent and Ulrike Prunthaller on Bartlgut’s Limotas third on 66.157 per cent.

Fot GP Fresstyle
Fot GP Special
Fot Grand Prix

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Isabell Werth & El Santo Repeat as Victors in Central Park Invitational Grand Prix

Isabel Werth on El Santo NRW in New York's inaugral Central Park Horse Show in 2014. © Ken Braddick/ dressage-news.com

Isabel Werth on El Santo NRW in New York’s inaugral Central Park Horse Show in 2014. © Ken Braddick/ dressage-news.com

NEW YORK, Sept. 25, 2015–Isabell Werth and El Santo NRW on Friday repeated as winners of the Central Park Horse Show Invitational Grand Prix having taken the inaugural event a year ago.

The five-time German Olympian and “Ernie” as she calls the 14-year-old Rhinelander gelding was awarded 75.100 per cent by the panel of three judges.

Tinne Vilhelmson-Silfvén, a six-time Olympian for Sweden, rode Paridon Magi into second place on 73.167 per cent.

The 17-year-old Juan Matute, Jr. of Spain who won individual gold at the European Junior Championships in July, rode Don Diego Ymas into third place on 69.967 per cent. Juan lives with his family in Wellington, Florida and on Dhannie Ymas is the No. 2 Junior in the world.

Charlotte Dujardin of Great Britain, No. 1 in the world on Valegro, will ride a demonstration Freestyle Saturday night and  give a master class on Sunday.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Herzruf’s Erbe Retired by Ulla Salzgeber

Herzruf's Erbe ridden by Ulla Salzgeber at Munich in May this year, the Rhinelander gelding's last competition. © 2015 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

Herzruf’s Erbe ridden by Ulla Salzgeber at Munich in May this year, the Rhinelander gelding’s last competition. © 2015 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

Sept. 24, 2015

Herzruf’s Erbe, the 16-year-old Rhinelander gelding, has been retired by Olympian Ulla Salzgeber after seven years at Grand Prix frequently interrupted by injuries that kept the horse from making a German championship team.

“After a very long and mature consideration, I’ve decided together with the team around ‘Herzi’ to send my current top sports partner to his well-deserved retirement,” Ulla said in a statement.

Ulla, Olympic, World Games and European Championship team gold medal rider and World Cup champion on Rusty at the beginning of the 21st century, began competing “Herzi” (Herzruf x Caletto I) at Grand Prix in May, 2008.

In 71 Grand Prix starts until the final competition in Munich last May, Herzi finished first 31 times and placed third at the 2011 World Cup Final. Although the pair produced performances that made them contenders for championships, injuries kept the duo off teams.

Ulla Salzgeber looking at Herzruf's right hind leg  at Aachen, Germany tat turned out to be an injury to the horse. © 2009 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

Ulla Salzgeber looking at Herzruf’s right hind leg at Aachen, Germany that turned out to be an injury to the horse. © 2009 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

In recent years, Ulla has been coach of the Colombian dressage team as part of a schedule of giving riding clinics in several parts of the world.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Fiona Bigwood’s Roller Coaster Ride Back to Medals Podium

Fiona Bigwood riding Atterupgaards Orthilia on Great Britain's silver medal team at the European Championships. © 2015 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

Fiona Bigwood riding Atterupgaards Orthilia on Great Britain’s silver medal team at the European Championships. © 2015 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

Sept. 24, 2015


The roller coaster ride that has been the life of Fiona Bigwood for two years may be heading to the pinnacle of sports on Great Britain’s team at the Olympics for the first time on a horse she didn’t want to look at then gave her such joy as to pull her back from quitting dressage.

Atterupgaards Orthilia, an Oldenburg mare by the great Dutch stallion Gribaldi and in her first year at Grand Prix overcame her show nerves to partner Fiona in moving into the top 25 combinations in the world.

On the world’s biggest dressage stage, Aachen’s 40,000-seat Main Stadium at the European Championships in August, the pair posted the highest Grand Prix score for Britain behind world No. 1 Charlotte Dujardin and Valegro to help earn the team the Nations Cup silver medal.

“Tillie,” as the 10-year-old is called, whinnied nervously on the way into the arena as the stadium erupted in deafening cheers for the ride before her by one of the combinations from the Netherlands that went on to win team gold.

Although the stadium had about twice the number of seats as Olympic or World Games arenas, Tillie gave Fiona “the most amazing feeling,” blocking out everything around her for only her sixth ever international Grand Prix.

“Mum,” Fiona recalled Tillie letting her know, “I’m listening to you.”

Now 39 years old and the mother of three pre-teen children with Anders Dahl, the Danish dressage team rider, Fiona has spent her life competing in championship dressage.

Beginning in 1993 on the British team at the European Junior Championships then European Young Rider Championships from 1994 to 1996 then a year later at the age of 21 year becoming youngest British rider ever to be selected for a senior European Championships. Fiona rode on British teams at the 1999, 2005 and 2007 Europeans. She lived in Denmark and Germany for more than 13 years, training and competing.

Those were the years, she recalled in a recent interview with dressage-news.com, when British riders “always hoped” in vain to be on a medals podium after winning silver at the Europeans in 1993.

Fiona Bigwood and Wie Atlantico de Ymas on their way to a personal best© Ken Braddick/ dressage-news.com

Fiona Bigwood and Wie Atlantico at the World Equestrian Games in Kentucky in 2010. © Ken Braddick/ dressage-news.com

Until 2009 when Britain made the breakthrough taking team silver medal at the Europeans at home in Windsor that became much more than a one-off occurrence.

The next year, Fiona was on the British team with Wie Atlantico that took silver at the World Games in Kentucky. In the three Europeans, world championships and an Olympics since, Britain has been on every medals podium.

Looking for a Grand Prix horse as a successor to Wie Atlantico in early 2013 she went to try out a mare reluctantly, Fiona admits, as normally”I wouldn’t even look at a mare, I’m not a mare fan.” Another strike against Orthilia was that she did not want to wait a year to 18 months before the horse was ready for Grand Prix.

“Six months later I just couldn’t get her out of my mind,” Fiona said of the Danish-born Orthilia that was successful as a youngster and was being competed at Small Tour by European Young Rider champion Cathrine Dufour of Denmark.

Orthilia, or “Tillie,” as she is nicknamed,  moved into the Bourne Hill stables of Fiona and Anders at Horsham, about 40 miles (64km) south of London in October, 2013.

Six months later Fiona fell off a Grand Prix horse in a freak accident at a national competition and sustained a serious concussion. She had double vision in one eye, a condition that persists, similar to that suffered by America’s Silva Martin as a result of a horse accident. She wears a patch over her right eye when competing.

“It was a really low point last year,” she said. “I had this string of horses that I wanted to campaign. I had the kids, I had the break. I had this horse I wanted to campaign. At the beginning of the season, I had to be really careful about what I rode because if you have another concussion in a year… I think they really want you to avoid that.

“I just hit a down point. At that point I thought life is full on with the horses and the kids: ‘You know what, I’m better just being a mum and just do that side and let Anders do the riding’.”

Fiona Bigwood and Atterupgaards Orthilia riding on Great Britain's silver medal team at the European Championships. © 2015 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

Fiona Bigwood and Atterupgaards Orthilia riding on Great Britain’s silver medal team at the European Championships. © 2015 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

Fiona felt safe on Tillie, though, so she kept riding the mare at the same time as people were coming to buy her.

“But I just kept riding her,” she said. “You get off this horse with the biggest smile on your face.

“To be honest, she just kept me going through it.”

Fiona believes that life “is a bit planned out for you.”

“I think things happen in life for a reason. I had this riding accident last year. I was going to campaign Tillie last year. I think some things do happen for a reason. I think giving her that year has consolidated her work and she’s come out this year and gone from strength to strength from March when we did our first international. Probably last year she would have been a little bit too green at Grand Prix.”

She explained: “Dressage is tough. We have the biggest bounce. All of us can be on the floor yet the highs are beyond what the average person will ever experience. Sometimes you want to get off that roller coaster a bit because it is hard both ways.

“But every time you say you want to stop riding you have a day like (the Europeans Grand Prix). It is an addiction.The accident did test it.”

Despite Tillie’s nervousness at competitions it’s more than matched by her being “incredibly loyal” and taking care of Fiona in the competition arena such as the Europeans where the stadium was a size the pair have not seen before and may never see again,

And this is reflected in the rapid escalation of results from the first CDI Grand Prix score of 69.357 per cent at Barcelona in March to 76.800 per cent at Hartpury just four months later. Tillie and Fiona were awarded 75.800 per cent for eighth place individually out of 72 starting combinations in the Grand Prix.

“You can feel her in the warmup,” Fiona said, “she gets nervous. You come into the arena and she blocks everything out and it’s, ‘Mum, I’m listening to you. It’s almost like she deals with me. She blocks everything out around and focuses on you. It’s the most amazing feeling. Usually a hot horse will look at something or react to noise. She just doesn’t do it. It’s unbelievable. I’ve never had a horse like that.”

Then, at the final salute, “you drop the reins and after all that she walks out on a long rein. It’s fantastic, she’s really special.

Fiona Bigwood drops the reins on Orthilia at the end of the ride before crowded grandstands. © 2015 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

Fiona Bigwood drops the reins on Orthilia at the end of the ride before crowded grandstands. © 2015 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

“We are really connected. I’ve had many horses and I’ve had a couple of others but there are not many where you really feel that bond with them, your minds think together a bit… I can read her so well.”

With a barn full of horses and three children–Mette, Morten and Lars, the names what Fiona describes as a Danish connection for Anders–life at Bourne Hill is “manic,” but it’s also obvious from watching the family together “manic” is a great state to be.

“We don’t have anyone to help us with the children because I have these kids and and I want to spend time with them,” Fiona said. “So we have to have everything done by one or two o’clock. We take the kids to school, ride straight through, pick the kids up and then it’s full on until they go to bed at 9:30. We go to bed at 10 or 11 o’clock absolutely tattered.

“But I love it and I wouldn’t change it. It’s getting the two lifestyles to work.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way but it is a balancing act. We’ve got three dogs and a hamster and all of that. All the little things…. you have to call a fiend and ask them to pick up the hamster because you’re going to Germany for a week.

“We really have full lives.”

The Olympics in Rio de Janeiro is the goal, the only major she has never competed in.

While Fiona is confident Tillie can take her there, she points out the mare “is still young and has so much potential” she will to be careful not to push too hard.

“I don’t want to do too much and put too much pressure on her,” Fiona said. “She showed what she can do in a championship environment. We just need to keep improving.”

Since January, she has been driving more than four hours with Orthilia each way to train with Carl Hester, who seems to coach three of the four combinations on championship teams–Charlotte Dujardin on Valegro and himself on whatever one of several Grand Prix horses he trains and usually another pair.

“I get up there once every two or three weeks,” she said. “Carl is such a good competition rider; he knows all the tricks… a little bit more here, a little less there. It’s the tiny details that count. He doesn’t try to change my style–it’s those details that we want to get right.”

Anders Dahl on Selten HW. © 2014 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

Anders Dahl on Selten HW. © 2014 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

While Fiona is riding Orthilia, she laughs at the prospect that the time may not be far off when she competes against Anders riding for Denmark on Selten HW, the talented Hanoverian gelding now 11 years old that was originally bought from Californian Elizabeth Ball for her.

Fiona and Anders tend to ride the horses each gets on best. The American-bred Selten, a young horse superstar, was a better fit with Anders.

Just before going to Aachen, Anders walked into the house with the biggest grin and Fiona recalled him saying, “If I could ride that horse every day for the rest of my life.”

“He absolutely adores him. I’m a great believer you have to get on with your horse, there has to be mental compatibility there. I’ve got that with Tillie and he has that with Selten.”

Great Britain's European Championship team of Carl Hester, Fiona Bigwood, Michael Eilberg and Charlotte Dujardin celebrating their silver medal. © 2015 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

Great Britain’s European Championship team of Carl Hester, Fiona Bigwood, Michael Eilberg and Charlotte Dujardin celebrating their silver medal. © 2015 Ken Braddick/dressage-news.com

Meantime, it’s a “totally different dimension” being on a medal-winning team.

“You talk about Rio, it’s not just about getting a medal it’s about what color medal you can get,” she said. “That’s exciting, that’s what it’s all about. When you were 12 years old that was always our goal, to have three or four horses in the country that can produce. That’s brilliant.”

A Boy for Silva & Boyd Martin

Silva Martin with her baby, Nox Christoph. Photo: Courtesy Boyd Martin

Silva Martin with her baby, Nox Christoph. Photo: Courtesy Boyd Martin

Sept. 23, 2015

Dressage rider Silva Martin on Wednesday gave birth to a boy that she and her husband, event rider Boyd, have named Nox Christoph Martin.

Nox weighed in at eight pounds (3.63kg) and was 22 inches (56cm) tall.

Mother and baby are reported doing well.

Silva, 34, German-born, and Boyd, 36, born in Australia, both United States citizens are based at Cochranville, Pennsylvania.

Silva rode on the gold-medal U.S. team at the 2014 Nations Cup in Wellington, Florida.

Boyd rode for the U.S. on the 2012 Olympic team, the 2010 and 2014 World Games and at the Pan American Games in July.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Australia’s 2016 Olympic Team to be Selected at 2 European Events

efa logo

SYDNEY, Sept. 22, 2015–Australia will select its 2016 Olympic Games team of four horse and rider combinations at two European events next year, Equestrian Australia announced Tuesday in detailing the selection program.

The criteria calls for identifying eight combinations that have achieved an overall average minimum of 64 per cent at Grand Prix in at least two competitions at CDI3* level or above from Sept. 22, 2015 through April 10, 2016. A minimum of 67 per cent is required from one event in 2015 or 2016.

The two European events at which the team will be selected for the Games in Rio de Janeiro will be announced by April 10, 2016.

Decisions on the four combinations to be nominated to the team will be made by July 1, 2016.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Para Euros: Brits in pole after day one

There were some great performances from British athletes today on the first day of the FEI Para-Equestrian Dressage European Championships in Deauville, France, as Great Britain finished with all five riders placing within the top-five in their respective grades.

Individual rider Natasha Baker got things off to a good start for the British camp this morning as she produced a lovely test with Mr Christian Landolt and Mr and Mrs Baker’s seven year old Sookie St James. Despite a small break into canter during some otherwise super trot work, Natasha was delighted with a score of 71.294% and second place at the pair’s first Championship together.

“I’m so proud of her, this is her first Championship and she was awesome, just amazing; I expected her to be good but I never expected her to be that close. The first centre line I messed it up, I take full responsibility for that; we’ve had some disastrous halts in the lead up to this so I think I’m in over correct mode. I’m just so, so proud of her; my aim was to go in, do a nice clean round and just to do our best, she’s just awesome,” commented Natasha.

Lee Pearson got his European Championship campaign off to a good start in the Grade Ib class, as he produced some great work throughout the test with Mr and Mrs Pearson, Mrs Gillian Chinn and his own Zion to be awarded a score of 71.040% for fourth place.

Lee commented after the class; “It was really good; I was really pleased with Zion. We normally are a little bit more relaxed on day one and then we build up power and expression tomorrow and even more so for the freestyle. I’ve watched the test and it flowed and was lovely; there was a halt that was a little bit abrupt and one bit of transition where he thought about cantering, and maybe those were the areas that the judges saw, but I was really pleased with the rest of it.”

First of the two GBR Grade Ia athletes to compete in the team test was Anne Dunham aboard the Lady Joseph Trust’s striking appaloosa, LJT Lucas Normark. The duo produced a lovely fluent test to see a score of 75.261% given to head into the lead.

“He was a good boy today, he really enjoyed it,” said Anne, “there’s always something you’d quite like to go a bit better but we had a really good test overall and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I really enjoy the competition and competing alongside everyone at this level.”

Following Anne was Sophie Christiansen with her new ride and Championship debutant Athene Lindebjerg, owned by Di Redfern. With the eight year old Athene, a great test saw them finish on 76.130% for the highest score across all five grades of the day and the Grade Ia win. Sophie and Anne’s scores saw Great Britain take a one-two in the final standings of the Grade Ia class.

“I’m so pleased and so proud of her,” said Sophie, “I walked in and thought there are quite a lot of people in here watching us; I was a bit nervous when I went in because I didn’t know how she’d be but I’m so proud of my horse and my team.”

With Charlotte Hogg’s talented eight year old C Fatal Attraction, who was brought into the squad following the withdrawal of Valerius, Sophie Wells produced a superb test (picutred), with some real highlights coming through the trot work to be rewarded with a score of 72.095% and a second placed finish.

Commenting afterwards a delighted Sophie said; “He was quite worried today, there was a tree that fell down in the warm-up and because he’s so green and young it just threw him a bit more than maybe another horse but considering that, he went in and he listened and we didn’t have any big mistakes he just listened and to get a 72% with an OK test and slightly tense test I’m really pleased with that.”

All five British riders go forward to compete in their respective Individual Championship tests tomorrow. In the team event Great Britain currently lie in first place just ahead of The Netherlands, with the final day of the team competition concluding tomorrow.

Equestrian Team GBR is supported by the UK Sport National Lottery funded World Class Programme; the British teams are very grateful to the support they receive from official Team GBR suppliers Dodson & Horrell, Equi-Trek, Equiline, Land Rover, NAF, NuuMed, Point Two Equine, Tagg Equestrian and Toggi.

Full results from the competition - click here

Picture courtesy of Team GBR and © Jon Stroud Media

LeMieux National Dressage Championships: DAY ONE

The 2015 LeMieux National Championships at Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire kicked off in style today with five titles won by five stunning combinations in front of a bumper crowd.

Fairfax Saddles Prix St Georges

After claiming two titles at the NAF Five Star Winter Championships in April this year, Alice Oppenheimer and Georgina Pole-Carew’s Tantoni Sir Soccrates cranked it up a notch to claim today’s Fairfax Saddles Prix St Georges Championship. (Alice is pictured right but Headmore Boadicia deputised in the prize giving for Socs)

In a class littered with big names and strong combinations, Alice and the 12-year-old Sir Donnerhall gelding topped the tables with a whopping 75.08%, just 0.02% off a personal best.

“I knew immediately it was a good test,” said a delighted Alice. “It was a clear round and I felt that I could ask for more for the higher marks. I know he can perform every single movement in the PSG test for an 8 and today he really went for it.”

The pair, who qualified for the finals at Wellington Premier League with an equally impressive score of 73.37%, has celebrated a successful year both nationally and internationally at small tour level, having not scored less than 70% on British soil in the past year.

“He’s just the most incredible horse to ride and we seem to have built a fantastic rapport, he knows what I’m thinking and I now know what he’s thinking. He’s always so with me.”

Equine Construction Advanced Medium Restricted

Professional dressage rider Sadie Smith (25) from Wickham, Hampshire, secured the first title of the week with Keystone Dynamite, her hot prospect eight-year-old gelding to head the Equine Construction Advanced Medium Restricted with a score of 68.53%.

“I’m so chuffed with him,” smiled Sadie after the prize giving. “I didn’t really mind what score we got as he has been sharp and naughty, and it’s his first nationals, so this was quite unexpected. He has so much ability but he’s not been easy – he’s taken a long time - so this means a lot to me.”

Sadie bought the attractive liver chestnut son of Dimaggio as a four-year-old from his breeder Suzanne Lavandera and now keeps him with Sarah Tyler-Evans who owns several of her other exciting rides. Talented Sadie and ‘Mambo’, as he’s affectionately known, have received great support from Sarah as well as top-notch training from Isobel Wessels and Carl Hester.

The combination qualified with a 71.97% win at the Addington Manor regional championships in Buckinghamshire last month. “He’s such a talented horse and finds all the complex movements easy,” explained Sadie. “He just did a few novices and an elementary before going straight to advanced medium as the more difficult tests do suit him. We’ll move up to PSG later this year.”

Sadie will not be heading home quite yet as she also contests the Nettex elementary open on Sunday with Sarah’s lovely young Lord Leatherdale mare, River Rise Escarla.

Nettex Elementary Restricted

23-year-old Ashley Jenkins, a talented up-and-coming dressage rider from Bristol, enjoyed victory with his own young horse, Salsa Hit in the Nettex elementary restricted championship with 71.88%.

Two years to the day that Ashley bought ‘Salsa’ from his breeder Margaret Lister, Ashley’s belief in the horse was realised in front of the crowds overlooking the Horse Health arena. “It feels good to win, to experience it again,” said a delighted Ashley who won the prelim championship here in 2013 aboard Lukien von Tespe. “There are bits to work on but his simple changes felt good and it was a great learning curve for him - I’m very happy.”

Ashley is assistant rider to Dan Greenwood and Jamie Reynolds and first met Salsa when he was sent to them by Margaret as a three-year-old to be started off. “He’s got a lovely character and is super to train - I just loved him from day one,” smiled Ashley.

The elegant black six-year-old gelding by Samba Hit II - a stallion ridden by Gareth Hughes - was presented with the highest placed British-bred award and Ashley received the highest placed BYRDS rider award. The combination qualified at the Addington Manor summer regional championships where they scored 69.32%, having started at the level at the start of the year.

BackinAction Preliminary Chapionship

Mum of three Karen Frankham from Brampdean in Hampshire proved that persistence wins prizes when she took the 2015 BackinAction Prelim title at the LeMieux National Dressage Championships today. Riding her own Wizard IV, a 12 year bay gelding, Karen topped a 26-stong competitive class where just nine percent separated the winner from the bottom place.

Karen originally purchased Wizard, by Dutch stallion Julio Mariner, six years ago to show jump but the arrival of her two youngest children helped make the decision to swap to dressage. It’s taken them time to establish a partnership but taking time to get to know each other has reaped rewards today. Scoring 72.37%, a delighted Karen said; “He was really good today. A few hairy moments in the warm up as he was completely overwhelmed by the number of horses and riders but in the test he was really lovely. He felt really loose and really helped me out; I'm so pleased with him.”

A conversation with renowned dressage trainer Damien Hallam helped make the decision to take up dressage full time and he continues to train the talented duo. Wizard was clearly overwhelmed by the experience during the prize giving and showed his sensitive side – and his hooves to the crowd! But the bond Karen has worked so hard to establish was clear to see as once in motion their lap of honour was a joy to watch. “He’s really sensitive and it’s taken a long time to get him to accept things – I’ve spent most of that time on the floor! But I’ve never looked back and we’ve got such an amazing bond now; put simply, he tries his heart out for me," added Karen.

Their next goal is success at the Petplan Area Festival at Oldencraig where they’ve qualified for elementary level in mid-October.

Runner up spot went to Elijah Lovell and Sheepcote Let’s Go with 71.99% and third were Lauren Cowie and Coady Bay Brazil on 71.09%.

Monarch Equestrian Inter II Championship

Michael Eilberg’s 2015 National Championships campaign got off to a flying start with a solid win in the Monarch Equestrian Intermediate II Championship. Taking the class with a confident 69.87% on the British-bred Half Moon Dynasty, owned by Jon and Julie Deverill, Michael was pleased with the mare’s test; “It was really good actually, a few little mistakes in the green areas but her potential is looking great. I was hoping for a good score especially with the way she was passaging down the last centre line and the pirouettes were a lot better than they had been in the past.”

“One less mistake would have been nice – I got a three in the two time changes, I was trying to be careful she didn’t go into ones, so I was a little bit behind in the movements. She then came round the corner and the one time changes were really good, especially considering she was not doing them until right before we went in!”

The combination has only competed at one other competition this year, securing their nationals qualification at the Hartpury Premier League back in July in their first ever inter II test. Michael declared their national’s preparation as ‘short and sweet’! “She wasn’t quite at inter II level until the Hartpury date and then it wasn’t too long until we came here,” he added.

Looking to the future with this horse, Michael is aiming to progress up to grand prix as soon as the 11-year-old by Dimaggio, also known as ‘Molly’, has gained some more confidence. “She can get a little bit on her toes at times, as soon as she feels confident enough to take the difficulty of the Grand Prix on, then we’ll crack on with it.”

The partnership have been together since 2011 making this victory and the future ahead all the more exciting; “She came to me after doing a few young horse classes and I started her out at medium, it’s lovely then to get them up to grand prix and get that feeling,” a happy Michael said.

All photos from www.kevinsparrow.co.uk

Ful results including judges' scores: click here

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Simply sensational Sheepgate!

Young talent impressed at the 15th running of the Sheepgate BYRDS Under 25 Championships in Boston, Lincs, (24 – 29 August), which once again saw record entries and mammoth scores, with live scoring and streaming throughout the six days of competition, sponsored by Pikeur.

Traditionally a hotbed of young talent, many top riders have made their mark at this show, including Charlotte Dujardin, Phoebe Peters and Charlotte Fry.

This year was no exception with 20-year-old Gaby Lucas from Brentwood, Essex, impressing the judges in the Top Spec FEI Young Rider Championship with her eight-year-old 18.2hh German-bred gelding Salo (pictured right), (by Sandro Bedo), who she found through Peter Tomlinson.

“Although Salo’s ginormous, the first time I sat on him I couldn’t stop smiling, he’s got natural cadence and a very sweet temperament,” said Gaby, a former pony, junior and young rider European team member, who has been riding since the age of two and now runs her own training yard. “I’ve been training with Sarah Turner for the past four months and it’s made a big difference -- although Sarah’s style is quite laid back, she’s taught me to ride for a 10, which we achieved for the first time at Sheepgate.”

Gaby also rode her own 11-year-old Zante, a, 16.3hh Danish-bred gelding, (by Flemmingh), who finished fourth overall in the championships.

The Farnam Products FEI Junior Championship proved a close run battle over the two days between 16-year-old Anna Jesty (Aquiro) and Jo Thurman Baker (Highcliffe Apollo), who both produced evenly matched high scoring tests, with Anna just clinching the title by less than one mark in spite of an uncharacteristic error of course.

“It was nail biting right to the end, but ‘Gleavo’ tried so hard so I’m really proud of him,” said Anna, who bought her 12-year-old German-bred gelding (by Aquino) in May last year and trains with Bruce King and Claire Speer.

“Having always evented and ridden more Thoroughbred types previously, he’s the first warmblood I’ve owned and gives you a different feel - Gleavo has the most amazing work ethic and power, but we include pole work, hacking and a bit of jumping in his training, which helps to keep him fit and happy.”

Anna, who works as a groom /rider at Platinum Stud in Hampshire and is studying for her advanced AASE at Hartpury College, also won the FEI Junior Freestyle to Music test scoring 74.25% with a compilation of contemporary hits put together by Amanda Birch Dressage Music.

The British Dressage Supporters Club FEI Pony Championship saw 15-year-old Lara Kuropatwa and her sister Olivia’s nine-year-old German-bred pony Mr Snowman achieve a personal championship best, scoring 73.72% in the team test and earning their first 10 (for the rein back).

“We’ve never won a major championship before, so I’m very proud of ‘Snowy’,” said Lara, who trains with Peter Storr. “When he first came to us as a four-year-old, he was quite strong and unruly, but as he’s matured, we’ve developed a real trust and we enjoy hacking out on our own a couple of times a week – Snowy has already exceeded all our expectations!”

Twenty-five-year-old Devan Woodgate from Epsom, Surrey, won the KBIS Insurance Ltd Under 25s Advanced Medium Championship scoring 70.39% with her 17.3hh seven-year-old British-bred gelding, who she has owned since he was three.

“Because of his size, we’ve taken it slowly and concentrated on doing a handful of young horse classes last year, coming fifth in the international six-year-old class at Hickstead, as well as winning the Dressage Masters semi finals at medium level,” said Gaby, who has been training with Charlotte Dujardin for the past year . “I’m only 5ft 4ins, but ‘Bling’ is a pleasure to ride and compete with such a willing and trainable temperament.

“The U25's at Sheepgate was his first time staying away at a show with a busy competition atmosphere, and he tried hard to do his best. He’s a big moving horse, although still lacking in strength for self carriage and balance. Bing did a lovely test earning 8s for his extensions, but I think we ‘re only just starting to scratch the surface with him and there’s still a lot more to come in the future which is exciting.”

Gaby, a semi-finalist in the Young Professionals award last year, says her aim is to compete Distaulgold in their first prix st georges early next year, with an eye on contesting international grand prix in the future.

The Wolds Exclusive Bling Under 25s Medium Championship title belonged to 18-year-old Lucy Pincus and her father David’s home-bred 15.2hh gelding Sheepcote Suncrest (by San Schufro)

Lucy and ‘Sunny’, winners of the PDS Saddles elementary open music freestyle at this year’s NAF Five Star Winter Championships, repeated their winning form at this show (the combination won the elementary title here last year) to take top slot scoring 73.03% on the first day and 71.96% on the second.

“Sunny can be quite opinionated and sometimes he thinks he knows best, so as a rider, you just have to try and remain very calm and focused,” explained Lucy, who now heads for the LeMieux National Dressage Championships later this month, where they have qualified for the TopSpec Medium Open and Nettex Elementary Open Championships.
“I love riding Sunny because he’s quite cheeky, but enjoys his work - his natural flexibility makes the lateral movements easy and we gain a lot of confidence from each other.”

On form combination 12-year-old Maddy Whelan and her six-year-old British-bred 14.2hh Connemara/Thoroughbred pony mare Ode To Shannon (by Washington Postman), who train with Jackie Beaven, were outstanding winners of the Farnam Products Under 25s Elementary Championship scoring 73.14%.

“We’ve bought ‘Lissey’ 18 months ago -- before coming to us she was a Pony Club all-rounder who’d also done a bit of hunting, but Maddy’s taken things slowly and they’ve formed a close relationship which is a pleasure to watch,” said Maddy’s mum Lorna.
This combination are also heading to the LeMieux National Dressage Championships this month where they’ve qualified for the Nettex Elementary Open Championship and they plan to contest some FEI tests at Premier League shows later this year.

The Tottie Under 25s Novice Championship saw a convincing win for 23-year-old Sara Malpass, from Farnham, Surrey, and her seven-year-old 15.2hh Andalusian gelding Pitingo II, who made their first visit to this championships.

Sara, who suffers from Fibromyalgia, a long-term condition which causes pain, fatigue and muscle stiffness, works as head groom for her trainer Edward Creamer and is a freelance instructor.

“We wanted to come to Sheepgate because it provided the opportunity of three days to concentrate on training and competing as ‘Pingo’ can be quite sharp and naughty” said Sara, who qualified for the prelim championships at last year’s national and is returning to Stoneleigh this month to contest the Dodson & Horrell Novice Restricted Championship.

“He’s the first PRE gelding I’ve owned and quite different from my previous horses, but he’s taught me a lot. Although he can be quite hot, we manage his diet carefully and we’ve also worked on making sure he’s really loose over his back in training, which has helped improve his paces a lot.

“I took him for half an hour’s hack on the morning of our competition, which helped loosen him up and set him perfectly for our test later that day.”

More than 30 combinations qualified for the finals of the hotly contested Senots Ltd Under 25s Preliminary Championship, which saw 11-year-old Alice McCall and her nine-year-old British-bred 13.1hh Welsh Section B gelding Bochym Royal Casanova (by Barkla Royal Highlander) win by the narrowest of margins.

The combination from Newbury, Berks, are members of the South Berkshire branch of the Pony Club, and they’ve enjoyed taking part in Team Quest dressage competitions as part of the Ready, Steady, Ride team.

“We’ve only owned ‘Darcy’ for a year, but already Alice has gained a lot of confidence from him and they adore each other,” said Alice’s mum Jo. “We’d never been to Sheepgate before, but a lot of the BYRDS’ mums I know recommended going to the Under 25s Championships because it’s a great show.

“We didn’t expect to do so well – we were blown away when Alice came third in the semi finals because her dream was to climb onto the podium. The next day, we were bags of nerves until the last score of the championships went up and we discovered Alice and Darcy had won.

“I thought I'd dreamt it all until the next morning when I woke up and saw Alice’s haul of prizes and amazing rosettes which were bigger than her head – it certainly made our five-hour journey worthwhile!”

This was the last prelim for Alice and Bochym Royal Casanova, who train with Lindsey Jenkins, who now plan to move up to contest novice classes later this year.


Monday 24 August

Fellowes Farm Equine Clinic Medium 69
1st Lucy Pincus & Sheepcote Suncrest, 73.03%
2nd Charlotte McDowall & BKS Grand Design, 72.73%
3rd Harriet Kipping & Camelot’s Black Knight, 70.91%

Sheepgate Tack and Togs Team Competition Medium 61

1st Joshua Hill & Bewunder 70.69%
2nd Izzy Chaplin & Taijdora 70.17%
3rd Chris Hammond & Ruban D’Or 66.05%

Laura Payne Sports Massage PSG
1st Catrina Leckie & Adventure 71.05%
2nd Hannah Doggett & Samara Fly 67.76%
3rd Sarah Frank & Ulrich Von Lichtenstein 64.08%

Sheepgate Open Freestyle Challenge Novice
1st Joshua Hill & Double Check 74.72%
2nd Maddy Whelan & Beaurepaire Frodo 73.33%
3rd Emma Neil & Sheepcote Romeo 70.28%

Sheepgate Open Freestyle Challenge Advanced Medium
1st Joshua Hill & Bewunder 73.67%
2nd Martin Humphrey & Damerisk 69.83%
3rd India Sheridan & DHI Smart Move 69.67%

British Dressage Supporters Club FEI Pony Team/Ind
1st Lara Kuropatwa & Mister Snowman 73.72%
2nd Sophie Williams & Ferrari 70.13%
3rd Charlotte McDowall & BKS Grand Design 67.76%

Farnam Products FEI Junior Team/Ind
1st Anna Jesty & Aquiro 72.57%
2nd Joanna Thurman Baker & Highcliffe Apollo 68.78%
3rd Emma Bond & Lime Walk 67.50%

Top Spec FEI Young Rider Team/Ind
1st Gaby Lucas & Salo 69.67%
2nd Catrina Leckie & Adventure 69.54%
3rd Victoria Maw & Bon Rouge 69.01%

KBIS Insurance Ltd Under 25s Advanced Medium Championship
1st Devan Woodgate & Distaulgold 70.39%
2nd Victoria Maw & Bon Rouge 69.47%
3rd Anna Jesty & Aquiro 68.86%

Tuesday 25 August

1st Victoria Maw & Bon Rouge 67.50%
2nd Hannah Bailey & Show Boy 65.66%
3rd Sarah Frank & Ulrich Von Lichtenstein 64.31%

Lazy Jacks Medium 69/Advanced Medium 94
1st Harriett Kipping & Camelot’s Black Knight 72.58%
2nd Hannah Smith Hilliard & Del-Isla 69.24%
3rd Chloe Hunter & Day Light 67.50%

Sheepgate Tack and Togs Team Competition Medium 69
1st Joshua Hill & Bewunder 74.55%
2nd Harvey White & Talika 74.24%
3rd Izzy Chaplin & Taijdora 72.27%

British Dressage Supporters Club FEI Pony Championship
1st Lara Kuropatwa & Mister Snowman 70.55%
2nd Sophie Williams & Ferrari 69.39%
3rd Maddy Whelan & Ode To Shannon 69.36%

Farnam Products FEI Junior Championship Team/Ind
1st Joanna Thurman Baker & Highcliffe Apollo 72.03%
2nd Anna Jesty & Aquiro 68.88%
3rd Emily Bradshaw & Remarkable 67.50%

Top Spec FEI Young Rider Championship Team/Ind
1st Gabby Lucas & Salo 70.26%
2nd Gabby Lucas & Zante 70.20%
3rd Jo Thurman Baker & Highcliffe Apollo 69.67%

Wolds Exclusive Bling Under 25s Medium Championship
1st Lucy Pincus & Sheepcote Suncrest 71.96%
2nd Joshua Hill & Bewunder 69.95%
3rd Georgina Weedon & Romannos Rafiel 69.22%

FEI Freestyle to Music Pony FSM
1st Lara Kuropatwa & Mister Snowman 76.50%
2nd Angus Corrie Deane & Hagelkruis Valentijn 72.75%
3rd Anna Johannson & Heiligenbergs Pushed Again 65%

FEI Freestyle to Music Junior
1st Anna Jesty & Aquiro 74.25%
2nd Emily Bradshaw & Remarkable 72.13%
3rd Hazel McCorriston & SOS Unforgettable Uland 71.75%

FEI Freestyle to Music Young Rider
1st Catrina Leckie & Adventure 72%
2nd Heidi Fellows & Prototype 68.50%
3rd Sarah Frank & Ulrich Von Lichtenstein 64.88%

Wednesday 26 August

Sue Carson Saddles prelim 15 section A
1st Dani Sibbals & Master Rockafella 71.96%
2nd Hannah Garner & Black Ger 70%
3rd Georgia Webb & Arcas 67.83%

Sue Carson Saddles prelim 15 section B
1st Euphemia Nash & Lucky Quay 70.22%
2nd India Keates-Robinson & Ebony X 69.35%
3rd Charlotte Neal & Peasedown Pablo Picasso 68.04%

Sue Carson Saddles prelim 15 section C
1st Betsy Smetham & Glyncoch Red Rascal 74.35%
2nd Catrin Stewart & Gryngallt Panache 73.91%
3rd Lauren Spradbury & Pomelo V 68.26%

Sue Carson Saddles novice 22
1st Steph Kelly & Inca Gold 74.83%
2nd Angus Corrie Deane & Walters Fable 74.48%
3rd Amy Wilde & Foxcourt Fieryspice 74.31%

Sue Carson Saddles elementary 43
1st Angus Corrie Deane & Walters Fable 71.55%
2nd Holly Colegate Hardaway & Ratino 69.14%
3rd Sophie Mills & Woodlands Anabel 68.97%

Under 25s Preliminary Semi Final section A
1st Harriet Adams & Annagh Bobby Joe 72.61%
2nd April Joynson & Bryntegllwynau Rocky Robin 72.16%
3rd Alice McCall & Bochym Royal Casanova 72.05%

Under 25s Preliminary Semi Final section B
1st Maisie Hodge & Coednewydd Beauty Star Albert 71.93%
2nd Lauren Sweetland & Westhills Wravall 70.57%
=3rd Molly Bissett & Valentino + Ellie Jenkins & Un Muchacho 69.43%

Under 25s Preliminary Semi Final section C
1st Janine Habbin & Cleo 73.07%
2nd Millie McBride & Bounty 70.80%
3rd Betsy Smetham & Glyncoch Red Rascal 70.34%

Under 25s Elementary Semi Final section A
1st Maddy Whelan & Ode to Shannon 72.94%
2nd Charlotte McDowall & BKS Grand Design 70.81%
3rd Tyler Bradshaw & Dajano 69.93%

Under 25s Elementary Semi Final - section B
1st Hannah Knight & Knights Parnashe 73.68%
2nd Bea Burnham & Azara 71.84%
3rd Jade Guyton & Fiderstan 71.54%

Medium Freestyle to Music
1st Harriet Kipping & Camelot’s Black Knight 73.83%
2nd Bridget Tate & Dyffryncothi Bridget 72.17%
3rd Angus Corrie Deane & Hagelkruis Valentijn 70.67%

Advanced Medium Freestyle to Music

1st Georgina Hyson & FRS Can Swing 71.50%
2nd Hannah Bailey & Show Boy 68.67%
3rd Sabrina Pagliarini & Lynwood Shareholder 59.17%

Thursday 27 August

Baille Haylage prelim 15 section A

1st Rebecca Lawson & Apricor Amishca 72.61%
2nd Ellie Wilson & Barford Jack In A Box 72.39%
3rd Megan Assouline & Jamaj 71.96%

Baille Haylage prelim 15 section B
1st Catrin Stewart & Gryngallt Panache 82.39%
2nd Zoe Lunt & Bowland Forest Dandelion 78.70%
3rd Zoe Florence & Hirstmund Merlot 75.22%

Bossy Bibs novice 38 section A
1st Jersey Garrett & Penherber Chaconne 70.81%
2nd Lydia Graham & Rubin’s Masterpiece 70.16%
3rd Zoe Golding & Enzo SR 70.16%

Bossy Bibs novice 38 section B
1st Harri Williams & Siglan Ernie 73.55%
2nd Polly Anne Robinson & Frankie Boy of Danthorpe 72.58%
3rd Siobhan Gilligan & Renoir SR 70.97%

Senots Ltd Under 25s Preliminary Championship
1st Alice McCall & Bochym Royal Casanova 71.59%
2nd Millie McBride & Bounty 71.52%
3rd April Joynson & Bryntegllwynau Rocky Robin 70.91%

Under 25s Novice Semi Final section A
1st Bea Burnham & Azara 74.57%
2nd Tyler Bradshaw & Dajano 74.05%
3rd Sophie Parkinson & Here Be Dragons 73.28%

Under 25s Novice Semi Final section B
1st Emily Pugh & Woodlands Prelude 73.19%
2nd Angus Corrie Deane & Walters Fable 72.33%
3rd Daisy Jackson & Premier Into The Black 68.62%

Under 25s Novice Semi Final section C
1st Laura Woodcock & Salvator 74.40%
2nd Clare Bennett & BKS Brandini 69.57%
3rd Natasha Rumble & Westcroft Dragonfly 68.97%

Farnam Products Under 25s Elementary Championship
1st Maddy Whelan & Ode To Shannon 73.14%
2nd Verity Tyrell & Z Vivaldo 72.21%
3rd Hannah Knight & Knights Parnashe 70.20%

Friday 28 August

Blue Chip Elementary 40
1st Hannah Knight & Knights Parnashe 72.90%
2nd Sophie Delia & Freedom 68.71%
3rd Siobhan Gilligan & Renoir SR 68.06%

Sheepgate Pony Derby Qualifier prelim 18
1st Catrin Stewart & Gryngallt Panache 71.04%
2nd Kendal Bow & Freedom 70%
3rd Emma Neil & Sheepcote Romeo 69.17%

Sheepgate Open Freestyle Challenge prelim
1st Natasha Rumble & Westcroft Dragonfly 71.94%
2nd Naomi Young & Landis Black Pepper 71.94%
3rd Maisie Hodge & Coednewydd Beauty Star Albert 71.39%

Sheepgate Open Freestyle Challenge elementary

1st Hannah Bailey & Show Boy 73%
2nd Alex Jo Parsons & Cyden Molenhorn's Lespirit 72.12%
3rd Bridget Tate & Dyffryncothi Bridget 71.54%

Tottie Under 25s Novice Championship
1st Sara Malpass & Pitingo II 71.95%
2nd Angus Corrie Deane & Walters Fable 70.75%
3rd Bea Burnham & Azara 70.40%

Sheepgate Tack & Togs Team Competition prelim 15
1st Mollie Sears & Dimna 75.65%
2nd Briony Cutler & Hilkens Charismatic 73.91%
3rd Betsy Smetham & Glynoch Red Rascal 72.83%

Sheepgate Tack and Togs Team Competition novice 23
1st Cerys Richards & Bryndefaid Angus 70.19%
2nd Emma Neil & Sheepcote Romeo 68.89%
3rd Holly Colgate Hardaway & Candover Raindrop 68.70%

Sheepgate Tack and Togs Team Competition elementary 45
1st Hannah Knight & Knights Parnashe 70.86%
2nd Bonnie Bourne & Twyford Salamander 70.52%
3rd Rowan Bryson & Lazulith 70.17%

Saturday 29 August

Euro-Star novice 27
1st Betsy Smetham & Glencoch Red Rascal 73%
2nd Jessica Finney & Georgiane Dante 71.09%
3rd Kendal Bow & DPUK Blue Moon 70.25%

Sheepgate Tack and Togs Potential Young Horse/Pony
1st Georgia Twaddell & Treliver Divine 76.11%
2nd Laura Woodcock & Salvator 75.56%
3rd Annie Lloyd Aylett & Lauris Diamond 74.72%

Sheepgate Open Freestyle Challenge prelim/novice
1st Naomi Young & Landis Black Pepper 75%
2nd Megan White & Skylark 73.91%
3rd Harri Williams & Siglan Ernie 70.65%

Sheepgate Open Freestyle Challenge elementary/medium
1st Katie Hills & San Rubiosa 70.45%
2nd Hannah Bailey & Show Boy 69.55%
3rd Alex Parsons & Cyden Molenhorn's Lespirit 67.24%

Sheepgate Tack & Togs Team Competition prelim 19
1st Naomi Young & Landis Black Pepper 77.05%
2nd Mollie Sears & Dimna 77.05%
3rd Briony Cutler & Hillkens Charismatic 76.36%

Sheepgate Tack & Togs Team Competition novice 38
1st Tyler Bradshaw & Dajango 81.29%
2nd Emma Neil & Sheepcote Romeo 80.32%
3rd Holly Colgate Hardaway & Candover Raindrop 77.58%

Sheepgate Tack & Togs Team Competition elementary 43
1st Hannah Knight & Knights Parnashe 76.38%
2nd Tyler Bradshaw & Dajango 71.90%
3rd Katie Hills & San Rubiosa 71.55%

Sheepgate Freestyle to Music prelim
1st Tabitha Leicester & Greencottage Kings Ransom 69.44%
2nd Ellie Wilson & Barford Jack In A Box 68.89%
3rd Stephanie Parsley & Glenives Princess Sylvia 66.67%

Sheepgate Freestyle to Music novice
1st Emma Neil & Sheepcote Romeo 74.17%
2nd Lizzy Flint & Northwoods Top Model 73.89%
3rd Daisy Cotton & Newoak Gold Rush 73.61%

Sheepgate Freestyle to Music elementary

1st Hannah Knight & Knights Parnashe 75.19%
2nd Matilda Haley & Bernwode Duvalier 69.23%
3rd Nina Ceruty & Sraghmore Willow 66.73%

For full results visit www.sheepgate.co.uk